Boatshed Grand Union to Sponsor Canalways Cavalcade Real Ale Bar
“Fizz @Five” is a glorious Boatshed tradition, but canal boaters are fuelled more by Real Ale than champagne. That is why Boatshed Grand Union has agreed to sponsor the Real Ale Bar at Canalways Cavalcade, to be held at Little Venice in Central London on the first weekend in May. Cavalcade is the country’s most important meet for narrowboat owners, with many hundreds of boats lining the water’s edge and moored in the basin close to Paddington Station.
The meet happens from the 2nd to the 4th of May just when the sunshine might pop its head out, we hope!
Festivities include boat handling competitions, dressed boat parades and an evening parade of lit up boats. There are also many stands along the towpath – including one from Boatshed Grand Union, manned by broker Phil Bassett – which will be directly opposite the mooring for Phil’s narrowboat “Persephone”.
The Boatshed Grand Union Real Ale Bar will be open throughout the day to all visitors. In the evening it becomes the social hub of the boating community open only to attending boaters, next door to the entertainment tent.
However we still have a taste for the bubbly and there will be a bottle or two cooling in the bilges aboard "Persephone" and maybe even some Fizz@Five.
Updated news on our activities at all the Canal Festivals will be found on BoatshedGrandUnion.com along with some great boats for sale on the canals, rivers and coast. If you have a boat for sale on the Grand Union, the London Canals or the River Lee, give Phil a call on 01923 275139 and find out why Boatshed Grand Union is the broker of choice on the Southern Inland Waterways.
T: 01923 275139 M: 07794 005741
E: Phil@boatshedgrandunion.com
W: wwww.boatshedgrandunion.com